Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Banana Splits!

We may or may not be totally obsessed with ice cream at our house. In fact, I knew that Neil and I were meant to be together the minute I saw his kitchen. The only thing to eat was a bunch of great cheeses, and a freezer full of ice cream. And capers - aren't they just impossible to get rid of? I feel like every fridge in America eventually ends up with a half-empty bottle of capers in there from some ill-fated chicken piccatta attempt in the mid-nineties. But I digress.

The ice cream. We loves it.

Which is why ever since I've seen these I've been dying to try to make them. But I don't know. I checked out the recipe here, and it looks complicated. Frozen bananas? Melon ballers? It might be a little out of my league. But maybe you'd like to try it and have me over as a taste tester. Just sayin...

mini banana splits